Small & medium businesses

Marketing advice to grow your company

Are you a startup – or small or medium business – that’s serious about marketing?

Need a campaign to set you on the path to growth and prosperity?

Our Kick Start service may be particularly useful in enabling you to get a fresh marketing programme – perhaps your first – off the ground. It will give you a clear, distinctive message for your business and a simple, practical marketing plan to reach the right people.

We can also work with you to create:

  • your visual identity – a logo, strapline & colour scheme to help you stand out
  • a website of which you can be proud
  • high-quality brochures & sales literature
  • social media activity & direct marketing campaigns
  • a media relations programme to build your press profile

Our track record of advising small and medium-sized businesses includes:

See some examples of our work with SMEs. If you think we could help you develop your business, why not get in touch to talk it over?

One hour’s advice: If you don’t want extensive support but would value 60 minutes’ advice by phone or video call to sanity check some ideas or set you on the right track, we can deliver that for £300 + VAT. Could be done as a one-off or a series of calls. Contact us to book.

Neyi Naturals