Message development
Sharpen your marketing proposition
Effective marketing and communications depend on a clear, compelling, consistent message.
What would make you stand out from the crowd and prove irresistible to your customers, partners and employees?
It’s a waste of time and money to start marketing without getting this straight first. But it’s hard to be objective about your own organisation.
We can bring a sharp external view and help you develop a distinctive, inspiring proposition – whether you’re a company, a government body or a charity.
We’ll typically do this in a Message Workshop where we’ll work with you to analyse your customers, competitors, strengths and weaknesses and devise your most effective messages.

We’ll follow this by completing a simple ‘Message Framework’ which should underpin all your future marketing and communications to make it far more consistent and effective.
If needed, we can also help you develop your mission and vision to give your organisation a clear, long-term direction as well as a strong basis for your brand.
We can then help you deliver your new messages through the most appropriate channels – for example, by revising your website, creating new sales materials, improving your social media presence, running a media campaign or delivering improved internal communications.
We can also train your spokespeople to tell your story with confidence, clarity and flair.
And if you’re looking to start your first marketing programme, or a fresh marketing push for a new venture or product, we combine our message work with other essential services in our Kick Start package.
Contact us to discuss how we could help sharpen your story.
They delivered an excellent messaging workshop that solidified what our brand stands for and how we should describe ourselves, followed by a closely-connected process to develop our web site.Stephanie Kent, Trinity Maxwell
Tariq gave us the confidence to change how we look at ourselves. No longer are our messages heavy on technical jargon & ‘social care speak’ but describe our enthusiasm, ambition & achievements in everyday English.Bob Hughes, CEO, Sight for Surrey
They were able to target messages to the right audiences whilst conveying not just the message but our culture too.Alex Rabbetts, CEO, MIGSOLV