What we did

The Vitality Clinic’s pioneering approach had the potential to come across as complex and technical, so the priority in our Kick Start exercise was to identify a simple, distinctive message which would appeal to potential patients.

We agreed to distinguish the medical practice as ‘the only UK clinic dedicated to health creation, rather than disease management’. This would set it apart from the conventional approach to treatment available through the NHS and other private clinics.

We identified The Vitality Clinic’s mission as being ‘to enable the over 50s to improve their vitality and well-being – by making sure all their body systems function at their best’.

We defined the three fundamental benefits of the clinic’s approach as being its ability to help patients:

  • improve or prevent any chronic conditions
  • reduce their dependency on medication, and
  • enjoy life-long exuberance – increasing their ‘health span’ to match their life span.

Defining these messages enabled us to develop an effective website for the clinic as well as initiate a direct marketing programme and a media relations campaign.

The result

We’ve completed the clinic’s website, which we’ve kept clear and simple in the early phases, with a view to extending it organically as the medical business grows.


We incorporated a ‘vitality test’ that people can take online to gauge their health levels.

Crucially, we included testimonials to reassure potential patients of the level of care they would receive.

We’ve built in a blog for the clinic’s founder to share medical advice and case histories to build trust and cultivate a following amongst health-conscious potential patients. And we’ve edited the doctor’s posts for the blog to ensure they’re as user-friendly as possible.

We undertook Internet search phrase analysis to identify the terms around which we should optimise the site. We’ve also advised on social media promotion using Facebook and LinkedIn.

You can see the website at www.thevitalityclinic.co.uk.

The client’s view 

“We appointed TK Associates because they had great client endorsements and developed an impressive, sharply-focused marketing proposal for our business.

“We’ve worked very well together on the initial phase of the programme, making great progress in establishing a clear, compelling business story for The Vitality Clinic and a sleek new website.

I look forward to more to follow as we embark on the next phase of the campaign to raise awareness of the pioneering approach we’re delivering to improve health and vitality in the over 50s.”

Dr Sharief Ibrahim, Founder, The Vitality Clinic