What an ingenious marketing case study I’ve just seen …
An American chap called Alex Brownstein was in the business of marketing himself – he was determined to find a job with a good US ad agency. So he devised what he calls the ‘Google job experiment.’
He set up a Google pay-per-click ad campaign so that, when the creative directors of five top ad agencies (vainly) Googled themselves, they got a message – from him, directed personally at each of them – at the top of the search results. Like this:
He was hyper-targeted in his approach to his market: he created ads for just five individuals the creative directors at the firms he mosted wanted to join.
From this, he got four interviews. From those he got two job offers. And he accepted a position at the firm he most wanted to join: Y&R in New York.
All for a grand cost of $6.
You can see a short summary of the experiment here.
What’s also interesting was, given how imaginative this approach was, the enormous worldwide spin-off media exposure (for Y&R and Brownstein himself) his experiment generated – as he explains in this video.
Inspiration for us all!
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