I’m pleased to see I’m quoted in the Financial Times today on why CEOs should be active on LinkedIn to help grow their brands and their business.

This interesting article highlights that 30% more UK CEOs use LinkedIn than five years ago, and there’s a strong consensus amongst the specialists interviewed that it can be a powerful platform – if used wisely.

The piece includes views from me about how, as well as helping to build a CEO’s personal brand and raise the profile of their business, it can have big positive effects on staff:

The FT writes:

“Senior directors can use LinkedIn to recognise achievements and give credit to their employees,” says Tariq Khwaja, Principal Consultant at TK Associates, a business-to-business marketing consultancy.

This can avoid sounding “boastful” and is “a powerful way to recognise and motivate employees”.

My point is that if you bang on about how great you and your business are, you look like an arrogant idiot; but if you heap praise on your employees, you avoid that trap, you still spread positive vibes about your company and you give a big boost to staff morale.

You can read the full article here: